London Municipal Guild Hall, London, 2017, @Xiong Yanyi

楚之未 / The Future of Chu

-时长: 三⼗分钟

-Experimental Theatre
-Visual lighting and screen installation, experimental electro-acoustic opera, interactive holographic moving image, live impromptu performance singing
Location: London Municipal Guild Hall, Silk St, London, UK


In 2017, at London Municipal Building-Guild Hall, Yan directs The Future of Chu in an audacious and forward-looking gesture.
The stage of classical opera, incorporated by interactive holographic moving image and contemporary lighting installation art,
added by a 23-metre water-filled vessel-shaped installation,
gets a makeover as an Avant-Garde site specifically rendered for an unrivaled performance.
She directs, composes, choreographs and performs this 30-minute marvelous spectacle where
Classical Opera, Experimental Music and the sound of the Ancient Chinese instrument: Bianzhong of Marquis Yi of Zeng all come together
to exemplify the phenomenal extent to which the Classical and the Avant-Garde can dissolve the boudaries and compliment each other
to form a stunning audio-visual tableau.